For 20 years, I was a member of my state restaurant association and for two terms I served on its Board of Directors. This was a wise decision as I turned to their expertise numerous times over the years on challenging issues affecting my business and I was able to mentor and assist other restaurateurs in improving their businesses.
For a small yearly investment, your State Restaurant Association can save you thousands through their influence and buying power with industry suppliers, not to mention their muscle at the Statehouse defending your restaurant from negative legislation. Have a roadblock or challenge in your restaurant, call your state association and I’m confident they can answer immediately or point you in the right direction.
Watch or listen to my latest interview with the Chief Executive of the New Mexico Restaurant Association for her unique perspective on this industry.
Thanks for watching + listening and I’ll see you next time!
– Your state association provides tremendous benefits & value to members:
– Advocacy on critical issues affecting your business
– Discounted products & services your restaurant needs & uses every day
– Expert advice & knowledge on broad restaurant issues & daily concerns
– ServSafe & Alcohol Service Training programs
– Networking events to share and support
– Associations work together to share their knowledge & best practices to elevate the industry as a whole
– Finding and keeping great staff is a key concern in restaurants. Nurturing promising young people will elevate your business and provide the satisfaction of watching them grow and prosper. They can rise to the top without a formal education.
– High School Pro-Start programs are an excellent source of new and professional culinary & hospitality talent – find them through your state association.
– “Systems” are foundational to your restaurants short & long term success and are a future “Exit Strategy”. If you don’t have systems, seek out a Mentor to help you maximize the value in your restaurant.
– Millennials are shifting the focus away from “True Hospitality” in restaurants.. they’re a fast-casual generation.
Reach out to your State Restaurant Association for a list of member benefits and join to help “raise the tide”.
For more information on the New Mexico Restaurant Association, click this link:
Also – Please join my weekly Restaurant Roundtable. Each week, several industry experts and myself discuss a key-topic to improve and help restaurants succeed. You can either listen, chime in on the topic or ask a relevant question affecting your restaurant… Check out our HOME page for details!