Episode #261 Increase Sales with a Virtual Kitchen – it’s Genius!

Episode #261 Increase Sales with a Virtual Kitchen – it’s Genius!

I’m a huge believer in new profit centers and revenue streams. Listen on and see if this may be your restaurant’s next Big Opportunity. In this episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast I’m speaking with Alex Canter; a serial entrepreneur, the heir to the iconic Los Angeles eatery “Canter’s Deli” and the creator of NextBite. NextBite turns your existing operation into a virtual restaurant or ghost kitchen.

Restaurant Rockstars Podcast Episode #168 How to Grow Profits & Please Customers with Online Orders

Episode #168 How to Grow Profits & Please Customers with Online Orders

Fact is 82% of the Dining Public Order Out! If your restaurant isn’t taking online orders, you’re missing lots of sales and potential profit. I have always believed that you can’t have too many profit centers in your restaurant and this one is a must have. Problem is many systems require you to have multiple tablets from each of the delivery platforms to receive orders. Talk about a nightmare. How could your staff possibly keep it all straight without messing up orders, not to mention the wasted food, lost profits, clutter and storage issues. That’s just crazy. But today, I’m talking with an industry veteran who’s disrupting the old way with an innovative online ordering solution!