Are You In The Restaurant Business For The Right Reasons?

There are so many reasons people run restaurants. Many of us first got into the business because of passion. Maybe you started working in restaurants and really loved the personal side, camaraderie with staff and customers alike. Perhaps you are drawn to the high-energy.

Possibly, you were a chef with a loyal following of raving fans, or you just saw an opportunity and took the plunge. But that was years ago. Are you still passionate and committed to run a top-notch operation?

Are You Running a Restaurant or a Business?

I spent 20 years starting and operating restaurants. When I first began, I had virtually no experience, so I needed to give myself every advantage. The biggest advantage (I called it my “Secret Weapon“) was systems. I knew instinctively that creating systems would make all the difference between succeeding or becoming another statistic.

From the get-go, I decided to work on my business now so I could decide how I would work in my business later.
This took some serious work up-front in creating the systems, but this ultimately led to freedom. Now, I could manage from afar (so many operators are so close to their restaurants, they’re missing a fresh perspective) and look at the big picture from 30,000 feet. These systems exploded sales, built my “Dream Team” staff, and created a dominant powerful brand that crushed my competition. They also allowed me to pay great people to run my business as “their own business,” taking “ownership” of the results. You have a system when you can leave your business for a week, a month, or a year, and it will be just as successful—or more so—when you return. I can show you how…