Episode #108 Build Your Brand with Ideas For Holidays & Big Events

One of the most powerful brand-builders I know (not to mention staff pleasers) is creating several “Big Events” throughout the year around holidays and big sports events.   Give this episode a listen as I take you through many of the key-holidays and big events that will drive new and repeat business and make your place more money several times a year!..


Episode #107 Last Minute Tax Advice from an Industry Expert

Listen to my guest Mr. Tony Perricelli.  He’s a CPA and Tax Expert with many restaurant and hospitality clients.  He knows the restaurant business and is a tremendous resource and wealth of information. We discuss last minute tips for 2017, big changes from the Trump Administration for 2018 that can be a real benefit to your business and much more.  Also, learn what you need to do throughout the year to put your business in the best tax position before you file.