If You Build It, Will They Come?

Whether you’re new to this business or a seasoned operator please read on. When you start a business of any significance, you pour your heart, your passion, your dreams and your hard-fought sweat into your venture everyday because your present, your future, your kids futures, literally everything is on the line. So this is why I am surprised with the all too common belief that “If you build it…”.

Are Your Customers Peeved?

When I ran restaurants, I approached service from the customers point of view.  That is at least twice a week, I was a customer in my own restaurant.   Doing so gives you a really good understanding of what I call the “3 Most Important Attributes of any Successful Restaurant… Food, Service & Ambiance”

Top Server Mistakes

These are some of my biggest pet peeves… 

I visit restaurants across the USA and around the globe, 9 times out of 10, the servers I get are making serious mistakes…mistakes that cost restaurants money and customers!

Train Your Servers to be Entertainers – Staff Tips with Roger Beaudoin

I have always believed that great service is about taking the guests on a magical journey of everything the restaurant is about. Because let’s face it, guests are often first time visitors to restaurants and they don’t know what they’re going to enjoy or what’s exiting about the restaurant.

It’s really up to the entire service team – not just the wait staff, but also the host, the busser and the bartender. Every part of the service experience should be delivered by a choreographed team.